
This is the Julia wrapper of the xgboost gradient boosting library.


using XGBoost

# training set of 100 datapoints of 4 features
(X, y) = (randn(100,4), randn(100))

# create and train a gradient boosted tree model of 5 trees
bst = xgboost((X, y), num_round=5, max_depth=6, objective="reg:squarederror")

# obtain model predictions
ŷ = predict(bst, X)

using DataFrames
df = DataFrame(randn(100,3), [:a, :b, :y])

# can accept tabular data, will keep feature names
bst = xgboost((df[!, [:a, :b]], df.y))

# display importance statistics retaining feature names

# return AbstractTrees.jl compatible tree objects describing the model

Data Input

Data is passed to xgboost via the DMatrix object. This is an AbstractMatrix{Union{Missing,Float32}} object which is primarily intended for internal use by libxgboost. Julia AbstractArray data will automatically be wrapped in a DMatrix where appropriate, so users should mostly not have to call its constructors directly, but it may be helpful to understand the semantics for creating it.

For example, the following are equivalent

X = randn(4,3)
predict(bst, X) == predict(bst, DMatrix(X))

The xgboost library interprets floating point NaN values as "missing" or "null" data. missing values will automatically be converted so that the semantics of the resulting DMatrix will match that of a provided Julia matrix with Union{Missing,Real} values. For example

X = [0 missing 1
     1 0 missing
     missing 1 0]
isequal(DMatrix(X), x)  # nullity is preserved

DMatrix must allocate new arrays when fetching values from it. One therefore should avoid using DMatrix directly except with XGBoost; retrieving values from this object should be considered useful mostly only for verification.

Feature Naming and Tabular Data

Xgboost supports the naming of features (i.e. columns of the feature matrix). This can be useful for inspecting trained models.

X = randn(10,3)

dm = DMatrix(X, feature_names=["a", "b", "c"])

XGBoost.setfeaturenames!(dm, ["a", "b", "c"])  # can also set after construction

DMatrix can also accept tabular arguments. These can be any table that satisfies the Tables.jl interface (e.g. a NamedTuple of same-length AbstractVectors or a DataFrame).

using DataFrames
df = DataFrame(randn(10,3), [:a, :b, :c])

y = randn(10)

DMatrix(df, y)

df[!, :y] = y
DMatrix(df, :y)  # equivalent to DMatrix(df, y)

When constructing a DMatrix from a table the feature names will automatically be set to the names of the columns (this can be overridden with the feature_names keyword argument).

df = DataFrame(randn(10,3), [:a, :b, :c])
dm = DMatrix(df)
XGBoost.getfeaturenames(dm) == ["a", "b", "c"]

Label Data

Since xgboost is a supervised machine learning library, it will involve "label" or target training data. This data is also provided to DMatrix objects and it is kept with the corresponding feature data. For example

using LinearAlgebra

𝒻(x) = 2norm(x)^2 - norm(x)

X = randn(100,2)
y = 𝒻.(eachrow(X))

DMatrix(X, y)  # input data with features X and target y
DMatrix((X, y))  # equivalent (to simplify function arguments)
DMatrix(X, label=y)  # equivalent
(dm = DMatrix(X); XGBoost.setlabel!(dm, y); dm)  # equivalent

Training and initialization methods such as xgboost and Booster can accept feature and label data together as a tuple

Booster((X, y))
Booster(DMatrix(X, y)) # equivalent to above

Unlike feature data, label data can be extracted after construction of the DMatrix with XGBoost.getlabel.


The Booster object holds model data. They are created with training data. Internally this is always a DMatrix but arguments will be automatically converted.


Keyword arguments to Booster are xgboost model parameters. These are described in detail here and should all be passed exactly as they are described in the main xgbosot documentation (in a few cases such as Greek letters we also allow unicode equivalents).


The tree_method parameter has special handling. If nothing, it will use libxgboost defaults as per the documentation, unless a GPU array is input in which case it will default to gpu_hist. An explicitly set value will override this.


Booster objects can be trained with update!.

𝒻(x) = 2norm(x)^2 - norm(x)

X = randn(100,3)
y = 𝒻.(eachrow(X))

bst = Booster((X, y), max_depth=8, η=0.5)

# 20 rounds of training
update!(bst, (X, y), num_round=20)

ŷ = predict(bst, X)

using Statistics
mean(ŷ - y)/std(y)

Xgboost expects Boosters to be initialized with training data, therefore there is usually no need to define Booster separate from training. A shorthand for the above, provided by xgboost is

bst = xgboost((X, y), num_round=20, max_depth=8, η=0.5)

# feature names can also be set here
bst = xgboost((X, y), num_round=20, feature_names=["a", "b"], max_depth=8, η=0.5)

Note that Boosters can still be boosted with update! after they are create with xgboost or otherwise. For example

bst = xgboost((X, y), num_round=20)

is equivalent to

bst = xgboost((X, y), num_round=10)
update!(bst, (X, y), num_round=10)

Early Stopping

To help prevent overfitting to the training set, it is helpful to use a validation set to evaluate against to ensure that the XGBoost iterations continue to generalise outside training loss reduction. Early stopping provides a convenient way to automatically stop the boosting process if it's observed that the generalisation capability of the model does not improve for k rounds.

If there is more than one element in watchlist, by default the last element will be used. In this case, you must use an ordered data structure (OrderedDict) compared to a standard unordered dictionary otherwise an exception will be generated. There will be a warning if you want to execute early stopping mechanism (early_stopping_rounds > 0) but have provided a watchlist with type Dict with more than 1 element.

Similarly, if there is more than one element in eval_metric, by default the last element will be used.

For example:

using LinearAlgebra
using OrderedCollections

𝒻(x) = 2norm(x)^2 - norm(x)

X = randn(100,3)
y = 𝒻.(eachrow(X))

dtrain = DMatrix((X, y))

X_valid = randn(50,3)
y_valid = 𝒻.(eachrow(X_valid))

dvalid = DMatrix((X_valid, y_valid))

bst = xgboost(dtrain, num_round = 100, eval_metric = "rmse", watchlist = OrderedDict(["train" => dtrain, "eval" => dvalid]), early_stopping_rounds = 5, max_depth=6, η=0.3)

# get the best iteration and use it for prediction
ŷ = predict(bst, X_valid, ntree_limit = bst.best_iteration)

using Statistics
println("RMSE from model prediction $(round((mean((ŷ - y_valid).^2).^0.5), digits = 8)).")

# we can also retain / use the best score (based on eval_metric) which is stored in the booster
println("Best RMSE from model training $(round((bst.best_score), digits = 8)).")